That broke my heart, imagining George without his twin. And what was up with neither Ron nor Harry naming one of their sons after him?
The Weasley twins have been prominently featured from the first book; when one of 'em dies, I'd expect more fall-out than what was provided.
Also wish there'd been more about Draco. Did he get his wand back from Harry? Isn't that right? At one point wasn't Harry using Draco's wand?
What happened to people like the Malfoys after Voldemort's demise? Were they allowed to just rejoin wizard society, even though they'd fought for him and killed the resisters? Yet there was Draco on the train platform with his son, Scorpius. Nothing about Lucius and Narcissa. When Voldemort disappeared after killing Harry's parents, those who had supported him insisted they'd been bewitched, but surely that wasn't going to work a second time.
Snape having been a double agent all those years was a surprise to me. His unwavering love for Lily Evans Potter, and his turning against Voldemort when the latter killed her, was sweet.
Y'know, in the series I never warmed to James Potter much. He came across as rather an arrogant, unpleasant jerk. The way he treated the young Severus Snape over the years at Hogwarts never jibed with the "dear James!" comments that would come from Hagrid, Dumbledore, etc.