Should the New Year actually be September 1st?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

How long until the HP series is taught in college?

It's really pretty funny, reading the intensely serious posts and commentary at various Potter-riffic blogs and sites. I mean, for crying out loud, this ain't exactly Shakespeare here. Or Holy Writ.

Bet it'll be a course at Oxford or Cambridge sometime next year. ;^)


Anonymous said...

Undoubtedly it's already been the basis for several doctoral dissertations. So the offering of a college-level course is almost a foregone conclusion.

Certainly lesser material has been the fodder for such academic activity.


Gryphonette said...

To be fair, all "literature" started out as popular reading, which I tend to forget.

The new Shakespeare play opening must have been just like a new Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. ;^)

No Regency drawing room was complete without a copy of Lord Byron's (who was dubbed "mad, bad, and dangerous to know!" by Lady Caroline Lamb) "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" prominently displayed on a table.

And heaven knows the Potter books are infinitely more worthy of literary study than anything Hemingway hacked up.

Anonymous said...

And heaven knows the Potter books are infinitely more worthy of literary study than anything Hemingway hacked up.

Now, now. I understand "A Moveable Feast" is actually quite good. :)


Gryphonette said...

He must've hired a ghost, then.


I could never get past "The Old Man and the Sea."